The Artifact (shorts/working title)

They were searching through the forest for special artifacts. Their team had been commissioned by the Desoto Tour company in order to find objects for their new “historically accurate” display maze/museum. Venera made her way around a particularly prickly plant. Taking care to avoid its leaves… “Ow!” She exclaimed. Where her elbow had met theContinueContinue reading “The Artifact (shorts/working title)”

History through Film

How does one view film through a historical lens? Can films be historically accurate? What exactly counts as accuracy? I get to watch films for the history unit I’m doing. HIS250 at Murdoch. It mainly focuses on American History. Western film, through to the Depression then Watergate and Ronald Reagan. It will probably be moreContinueContinue reading “History through Film”

Currently Reading

Trying to read a bunch of books at the same time! These are mainly for university. There’s like 5 books just for that. (I’m doing a history unit on Imperialism and Colonialism) – Burmese Days by George Orwell (finished) – The Origins of the Modern World. A globl and Ecological Narrative from the 15th -ContinueContinue reading “Currently Reading”