Nom Nom and the fish

Nom Nom had a busy day. He was watching the fish in the neighbour’s pond. The fish were very Koi though so he fell in a few times when he tried swiping. Nom Nom watched one fish in particular. It was gold and had red streaks on its scales. This one Nom Nom thought mightContinueContinue reading “Nom Nom and the fish”

Ambitious Aqua

She could hear her heart beating. Something crawled across her nose.She opened her eyes. There was a fish swimming across her nose. Her eyes widened. She was surrounded by fish and floating underwater.Where was everyone? Just a minutes ago she remembered being with a group of her friends. Did they turn into fish or something?ContinueContinue reading “Ambitious Aqua”

The Taste Tester

“hmmm” She purred as she pattered through the line of dishes. “which one to try first!” She wondered. Sophelia chooses one. “Too salty…” She purrs. Then she chooses another. “Too fishy.” She makes her way to the middle. “This tastes like porridge.” Sophelia huffs. She soon reaches the end. “Try harder human. Or I willContinueContinue reading “The Taste Tester”