Vibrant Cities

What would a sustainable city or community even look like? Do they have green everywhere? What sort of requirements would it have to meet? I’m writing another novel about a forest that has several domed dwellings. This idea has been on my mind for awhile. The main character has to travel through the forest toContinueContinue reading “Vibrant Cities”

New Ebook and Short Story

I have completed and uploaded a new ebook: 24 Things to know about Creative Writing. I have also made Trail of Crystal Waters available… for free! Please read and comment or review! The next post will be Friday or Saturday. I then will start planning my posts in advance! Hopefully the lengths of these postContinueContinue reading “New Ebook and Short Story”

Forests Book

I’m planning another fantasy book at the moment using evernote and google drive. The title is still incomplete It will start with: The Forests of ___ or Forests of ___ It will be a part of the fantasy and adventure genres and a dash of environmental issues/environment themes. I’ll also be working on the ebooks.ContinueContinue reading “Forests Book”