Pearl’s Search

Pearl took out a pocket watch, watching as noon struck. She looked out from the boat. Pearl was searching for something in the water. The boat swayed in the afternoon breeze. Two other people manned the boat with her. Her diving instructor Morgan and her friend Lucas. Morgan was steering them further down the coastline. His sunglasses flashing in the sunlight. Lucas was getting a head start on a pair of sandwiches.

The boat began to slow down. Pearl could barely see the beach from here. Her hands shook as she put on the diving gear. The goggles and the snorkel were easy, but it took a few minutes to put on the vest and the flippers. The oxygen tank would last. After it was checked a few times.

Pearl snorted, here she was, someone called Pearl, diving in the sea…. but not for pearls. It was a ship wreck. Only a decade old. Pearl hoped there would be something for her to find.

With one last look around the boat,

Pearl dived into the water.

To be continued….

Published by ArianaRose

I'm inspired to become a writer, playwright & novelist. Recently published two books on Amazon. I'm looking for opportunities in performance writing and publishing short stories in literary magazines. I completed a BA in English and Creative Writing at university in July 2021.

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