Study Buddy

Studying can be difficult sometimes. When you begin High School, all the way to getting a higher education (be it at University, a Trade School or College) studying can take up several hours of your days and weeks. Spare time seems to be fleeting. So that’s why you might need a study buddy. Either aContinueContinue reading “Study Buddy”

Mary’s birthday

Sophelia was having fun. Mary was smiling. Sophelia was happy because Mary was so nice to her. She liked Mary and appreciated that Mary looked after her. Today was Mary’s birthday. Sophelia had been considering what to get Mary for her birthday. She had brought Mary a live mouse she’d caught that morning. Unfortunately, itContinueContinue reading “Mary’s birthday”

The Cat who Knew (Accounting)

Shelly was bored. She yawned and rolled over in the patch of sunlight. She heard the door open and shut. She looked up. It was Timothy’s father. She knew he was an accountant. He looked very stressed. So with a sigh, she got to her paws and swished over to him. “Meow” Shelly tried toContinueContinue reading “The Cat who Knew (Accounting)”

The Cat who knew (Algebra)

Shelly knew things. She just knew them! She was also very talented. Recently she’d taught herself advanced Algebra. Her human made her do his homework with telepathy…. Timothy didn’t like Algebra. It made his brain work and hurt at the same time! Shelly just knew she had to help him. Shelly knew lots of things.ContinueContinue reading “The Cat who knew (Algebra)”